I was driving home from work last week and feeling pretty blah, trying to figure out what it was in the back of my mind that was making me feel uneasy. I prayed to God to let me feel his peace, to replace my overcast mood with his JOY : )
I stopped at the Kmart by my work to get a bottle of weedkiller. Saw they're going out of business and thought they might be out of it but the lady said oh no, there's some back there. So I walk all the way to the back of the store to see all that stuffs gone! Argh! I trek all the way back through the store and parking lot and go on my way.
I remembered that 96 has had some construction and went a different way than normal, but couldn't think of any hardware/garden centers on the way. I stopped at an extra-large CVS. Kinda doubted it, thought mayyybe, but NOPE! Of course not! CVS isn't a garden center, duh. Back to the car and getting a little crabbier. Should have just went the couple miles out of the way to home depot, instead of all of this in and out and back and forth.
I remembered there was an ACO up ahead, by my old house. Went in and of course they had it. When I was walking back out to my car there was a man rolling by it in a wheelchair. He's kinda doubled over so you don't see his face but just the top of his black felt wide-brimmed hat, and he's moving very slow.
I recognized him immediately. I had stopped to talk to him once a couple years ago. And I am the worst ever with names, but I remembered his! I said "Steven, is that you??!!" He lifted his head up with the biggest smile and said "Yes!" He was sooo happy I remembered him! I told him I had talked to him a couple years ago and he said he remembered me but didn't remember my name.
I kneeled on the ground by him and talked to him for a little bit. He kinda struggles to talk, but I kept praying to God to let me be able to understand him and it was fine. He asked me how old I was and told me his 50th birthday was next year. I told him he had a black felt hat like my dad who wasn't around anymore and that i had just written a story about it. He like the most innocent child opens his mouth and eyes like reallly?!!!! He is so precious! And he told me actually has 2! : )
I asked him if he knew that Jesus loves him and he said yes! I told him that he is always there and he can talk to him anytime, like he's a person, like how we were talking just then.
I asked him how often he's out and he said all time, until November when it gets too cold. He said sometimes till Midnight! I am going to keep an eye out for him. I'm sure Gianna would make his day. And he makes mine!
As I drove off I was positively giddy. 100% full of joy. My prayer answered in a way beyond my own imagination, in less than an hour, hahaha. And in a way that not only blessed me, but blessed someone else too. Two birds with one stone ; )
I called my sister cracking up laughing saying "God is Good!" To which she immediately responded joyfully, "Oh yes He is!"
: )
Psalm 17:6
I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.
Psalm 66:19
but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer.
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