Monday, August 30, 2010

Before and After

I've been into lists lately. Writing down and checking off. Felt like seeing this in one big list. I know occasionally I'll think wow, I remember when I used to feel that way or do this or do that, and I want to see it all in one place. I think I'll have to print it out and cross 'em off! lol.

So just a simple list of the things that were in my life before I began living with Jesus Christ as my Lord, my God. As Lord of EVERY day and every moment, no longer just an hour here, or a moment there or during a crisis.


Anxiety attacks!


Occasional feelings of hopelessness or despair


A love of drunkenness often resulting in sickness, hangovers, and more intensified feelings of the items listed above.

Anger and outbursts


I lovvvvvvved gossip

Sexual issues that put a damper on my marriage

Longing and dreaming of a husband who would be more romantic and make me feel 'special' and give me butterflies in my tummy


Fear of the dark!

Fear of loved ones dying. Couldn't even stand to think of losing my Mom.

Great disappointment every time a fun event ended. Vacation, wedding, long weekend, etc.

Fantasizing about a bigger house, a cooler car, a better body, a more fantastic vacation, a bigger paycheck

Smoked like a chimney. Often in an effort to calm down, lol. Yeah, that nicotine has such calming effects, right?

Chronic painful bladder issues from the age of 5 the docs had no explanation for. For over 20 years! Led to fear of being anywhere too far from a bathroom, and many embarrasing moments, such as peeing on the George Washington bridge in the middle of a traffic jam, or making people stop 6 or 7 times on a long car ride.  (Did make for some funny stories after the fact!)

Trash talking.

Making fun of people.

A desire to be 'better' than other people.

Holding grudges.


A belief that I didn't have what it takes to draw, paint, be an 'artist'.

And just an overall longing for something more. Whenever I would see a beautiful sunrise or would look out over lake huron, I had this feeling inside of me I couldn't describe. A bittersweet feeling, a feeling of enjoying something so beautiful, yet this unattainable feeling. This feeling of something huge, grand, epic, beautiful, yet sad somehow, beyond my grasp, not mine. (Thats actually how I felt in church most of my life too!)



Fullness of heart and soul

Hope for today and the future


A deeper love and appreciation for my husband, a knowledge that God gave me him, and that God created sex as a beautiful thing in marriage, and it is good!

Knowing where my husband lacks in making me feel special and giving me butterflies, God is there. You wouldn't believe all the passages in scripture that are as a love letter. But better even than from a man, from the God of all!

Gratitude for all that I have been amazingly blessed with.

A daily feeling of excitement to read God's word, spend time in prayer with the creator of the universe!!!!!! Gratefulness that He hears me, forgives me, accepts me. So many many instances of seeing these prayers undeniably and amazingly answered! THAT is exciting.

A desire to comfort and encourage others. An ability to pray for others who have hurt me or who I don't 'like'.

Much greater confidence. God made me and God don't make junk!

The belief that God made me to be an 'artist'. Excited for things to come and confident in the abilities that come from Him!

Healing! Emotionally, spiritually, and physically. And I'm not all that concerned if there's no bathroom where we're going!
: )

And now I know what that longing was. I was looking at God's creation, but not really knowing God. Now when I look out at the sunset, over the lake, I want to sing, rejoice, thank God. I know that Psalm 19 says "The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they display knowledge."

I can hear their declarations now, and my soul is filled just to declare His glory with them. What before I looked out at with longing and awe and bittersweetness, I now look upon with joy and feel connected to my God. Last night I stopped in Kensington at sunset and pulled off the side of the road and there was an awesome sunset over a little lake with swans and a mini tree covered mountain and I sang at the top of my lungs. And the only ones that heard me (I think anyway) were God and the swans and it was AWESOME. Filled my tank to full and overflowing.

And I still struggle occasionally with a few of the things on my list, and probably always will! But now these things are just an occasional struggle, not a way of life. And I am soooooo far from perfect! And I screw up regularly. But God is full of mercy and guides me back onto the path and forgives and renews me DAILY.

God is GOOD!

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chains Be Broken

This evening I went to my special spot to pray after bible study. After praying for and driving all over looking for the spot weeks ago, and finding a pretty awesome one by my house, turns out the absolutely PERFECT sunset spot is right behind my church!

Huge open sky and can see the sun all the way down to the horizon. No one there but me (and sometimes Gianna) in a big grassy field. What's even funnier is in the distance is the garbage dump, but it actually looks just like one of the long flat-topped hills from Israel, and over there all hazy in the distance it just adds to the peacefulness. Romans 8:28 - God is working for good in ALL things for those who love him, lol!

So the people I went to pray for, I have felt like I don't really know what to pray for them. The situation seems hopeless, but if I believe in Almighty God, I have to believe He is bigger than any circumstance, right? Since its been 5 years now, I think I sometimes forget the amazing way God showed up in my own life when it SEEMED hopeless! Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for and certain of what we do NOT see!

Yesterday on the way home from work the radio host pointed out that in the end of a certain song there was the subtle sound of chains rattling. I wouldn't have noticed it had she not said it, but she pointed out that is what Christ does for us, breaks the chains that bind us, frees us. And boy do I know it, to think back to all the negative oppressive things I had hanging on me for much of my life. Stuff other people might not notice so much, but inside, the anxiety, the gnawing subtle depression and discontent on a daily basis. Those chains were busted right off of me!

So after bringing this up in bible study, sharing I didn't really know what to pray for them, and after something my friend had to say regarding the situation, I ended up sitting in my sunset spot praying for their chains to be broken. Not, as usual, for God to show me what I can do, but for Him to show me what only HE can do!

Then I opened my bible and prayed that God would speak to me regarding this "SEEMingly" hopeless situation and one of the first underlined passages that jumped out at me was Hosea 6:3 - He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring."

And this in turn brought to mind one of my favorite songs, and since no one is around, I began to sing it aloud as the sun set before me:

As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears

You'll come
Let Your glory fall
As You respond to us
Spirit rain
Flood into our thirsty hearts again

I sang it several times, even continuing on the way home, before realizing the part of the chorus I was leaving out!:

Chains be broken(!!!)
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed

So perfect! 

(The song - )