I think it was almost 3 years ago exactly. Pastor Harvey Carey came to Northridge to preach. He is an amazing man of God. He pastors Citadel of Faith Covenant Church in Detroit. He was pastor of a very large church in Chicago and left everything behind to start from nothing with just his wife, daughter and one other couple. God had called him to the poorest zip code in Detroit. He knew no one there. Everybody thought he was nuts.
His passion is palpable. He brought everybody to their feet. He really inspired me and I wanted to hear him again and check out his church. So a couple weeks later I went. Amazing place. Great mix of people, everyone so inviting and warm. Young, old, black, white. What heaven should look like!
So the day I go they are passing out bibles in the community after church. It was their last day of doing it, something they'd been doing for a while, had passed out thousands.
I was terrified!!! I had never done anything of the sort and it sounded CRAZY. And down there, in Detroit, some white girl going door to door? But I just had this feeling inside of me like I was supposed to do it. Not everyone was doing it, I could easily have left, but I felt like I didn't have a choice. I walked to the back and they hooked me up with a group to go with. I end up with 3 other white people and an asian guy. GREAT! I thought oh my God we're gonna get killed out there.
They gave us a street in Highland Park. As we were driving down it my heart nearly beat out of my chest. I had never seen so many abandoned falling apart houses. Could see straight through them. When we parked and got out I felt like I could have nearly have passed out. I thought what the heck am I doing?
But as we started going door to door, everyone was SO kind. Only one person wasn't real friendly, everybody else on the entire street was friendly. I'll bet the response we received was nicer than I would have received in my own neighborhood! One woman invited us in and we chatted and she was a foster mother to 3 beautiful little children, one of them a little infant.
And then we found ourselves on a porch I remember very well. A man answered the door in a coat and hat, didn't open it all the way, kinda cracked it a little and peeked out, or so I thought. I asked him if he would like a bible and he said he would like one very much but he was blind so he wouldn't be able to read it. My heart broke. I told him I was so sorry. As we walked down the walk away from the house I turned and looked back and can still clearly see the address, 199. It was burned in my mind and I knew in that moment I would be coming back.
My sister and I bought an audio bible and a cd player for him. I asked my husband if he would go back with me to take it to him. He wasn't real happy about the whole idea, but he said yes.
We knocked but no one answered. As we were walking back to the car his neighbor Glen was walking out to his truck. He asked if he could help us, said that Jimmy wasn't home. I told him we had an audio bible for him. He said wow, he is really going to appreciate that. His wife just died 2 weeks ago and he's having a hard time. (There's God for ya!)
I almost left it with his neighbor, but wanted to deliver it myself, so Jason said he would come back with me. I am way too impulsive and impatient though and the next day I took it to him on my lunch hour. He answered the door all bundled up. I told him what I had and he said that was really nice, but he didn't have any electricity to plug it in. My heart sank for him. I went and got batteries and came back. I asked him if I could come in and show him how to use it and he said yes.
His house broke my heart. Not only did he have no heat and it was freezing and dark, it was pretty unlivable. I had never seen anything like it in my entire comfortable life. It was decaying and everything he had was old and falling apart. I wouldn't know where to begin to fix it. I honestly don't think it was even fixable.
I put the player on an end table and we sat for a while so he could learn how to use it. I was holding his hands showing him what buttons did what. I wanted to cry. I did when I left. And I think a lot of that evening. As I slept in my warm bed that night I couldn't stand the thought of him freezing over there in that house. I asked my husband if I could take him our down comforter and he said yes. I took it to him along with a ton of those little hand warmer things, haha. Not sure how much you could do with those.
For like a week I felt sorry I had even gone there. I was so troubled by it and there was nothing I could do about it. I called my church sobbing and they directed me to the places I could try and get help for him. THAW, Focus Hope, etc. I quickly learned how there really isn't much help for people.
I was really praying about it. I could not stand the thought of him freezing all winter. I didn't have the money to get his heat back on, I didn't know what to do. I felt like there was nothing. I decided to see if he would want to go to church. At least I could help him get some encouragement!
My husband didn't want me going to his house alone so I got one of the guys I was passing out bibles with to go with me. As we were driving down his street we saw him walking. We pulled up and were like Hey Jimmy, wanna go to church? He said yes and got in with us, and we went to church!
When the offering came around he gave me a $20 to put in. I asked him if he knew it was a twenty and he said yes. At the end Pastor Carey calls people to come up if they feel led to be a member of the church. Jimmy stood up! I walked him down to the front.
Afterward everyone got together in the basement, and Peggy, who was also with us passing out bibles, was telling people the story. Someone came up and gave me a number to call and said they were going to get his heat turned on!!! Lisa from Central Detroit Christian. An awesome organization.
And then Joseph who I had rode with gave Jimmy a hundred bucks.
Prayers answered! And his generosity was greatly multiplied and returned to him!
For a while I got other people to get him with me each week, but that got old and I eventually got my husband to let me go by myself. I ended up becoming a member of the church and was there for I think about a year and a half. And I met such amazing people and grew so much in my walk with God.
Jimmys house always bugged me though. Lisa from CDC, who had paid off his heat bill, also organized a clean up of his house once. It was just a one day deal, about twenty of us I think, but it helped some, and then it motivated his son afterward to continue on doing what he could to clean the place up. But it still was just so bad. It always weighed on me to think of him there.
One time after dark Jimmy asked me if I could drive him to his daughters house. I was kinda scared but said yes. I had no idea where we were going. He led me through the city and remembered where everything was. He had lost his sight gradually to glaucoma. He would be like okay, there's a KFC on the right here, right? And there will be a McDonalds up here and make a left. hahaha. Amazing!
After a while Jimmy was coming to church less and less. He would stay at his daughters house a lot. I was so happy when he was there, to know he was in a clean home being cared for. I met a few of his kids and they were very nice. He had an 18 year old son who lived there with him, but I didn't see him a lot. I don't think he was there much. And he had a son in his thirties, Christopher, who was going to fashion school and struggling to get by. He was really sweet and loved his dad and they had the exact same voice.
After I had Gianna I started going to church with my mom and sister at Northridge again. Since my husband doesn't go to church with me it was just nicer to have other people with me when carting a baby back and forth, and was nice to spend the time together.
When I wanted to go back though, my husband didn't want me to. He's a Detroit police officer. He sees the worst of the worst everyday and I guess I can understand how he isn't comfortable with me and the baby going it alone down there. I do miss it though and miss the awesome people! But I guess things sometimes come into your life for seasons and reasons, and I am so blessed by the time I had there.
I tried going by Jimmy's a few times and tried calling here and there but I never caught him when he was home. Then last thanksgiving I was passing out food baskets from CDC down there with some friends. We had an extra one and I asked if we could take it by Jimmys. I knocked but no one answered. There were a bunch of young guys working on a car in the street that told me Jimmy had passed away 2 weeks before.
It might sound bad but I have never been so happy to hear about someone passing away. I know Jimmy is in HEAVEN. He is no longer in darkness. No longer surrounded by decay. No longer walking blindly down woodward to catch a bus in the dead of winter. I know he is at peace and in comfort and joy and seeing things more beautiful than we can imagine!!!
I can't wait to see him again someday. And for him to see me!
The guys that told me were so happy to get the thanksgiving basket. It had a whole turkey and all the trimmings and even dessert. They said they were going to have a little feast with Jimmys son.
That's my God, giving good gifts to his people. Sometimes big, sometimes small. Sometimes lifechanging and unforgettable. There's no promise that this life will be without pain, but God does promise to be with us through it. To give us strength. And rest. And hope.
Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
2 Samuel 22:29
You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light.
You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light.
Psalm 118:17
I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.
I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.
This is the website for CDC. It is a great organization. Truly reaching out to people in need. They have great volunteer opportunities and I'm sure could always use donations: