All my life I've had a horrible habit of getting all fired up about stuff. For like 2 weeks.
As I kid I played the drums, xylophone, and clarinet. For like a month each.
I've had an ongoing affair with the piano, but I completely lack the discipline to practice regularly.
I started this year with a rock-solid plan that included practicing piano and drawing at least 15 minutes a day. It lasted maybe 2 weeks.
I also was on an all-natural diet and was telling everyone all about it and how much better I felt. I ate dorito's for breakfast yesterday and wendy's for lunch. Yep.
I start children's books and never finish them.
We just sold a big scroll saw that was taking up room in our basement. I used it about two times 5 years ago when I was going to get into wordworking, LOL!
I recently became fascinated with Christian apologetics and decided it was my life's mission. It lasted about 6 weeks. (though good did come out of it)
My recent worst offense was when I decided to start praying for God to help me with my eating habits. I lost 20 lbs. So then I trumpeted it to the world on Facebook, but then I quit doing my part and praying. I've gained a lot of it back. I HATE the thought that in my stupidity I could make God look weak in someone's eyes, when I am the one who is being weak and not holding up my end of the bargain!
Oh, when I was pregnant I was totally overboard with the whole natural thing. I was watching videos of hippies having babies in the water on deserted islands. I ended up getting drugs AND an epidural, hhahahahahha.
I'm not sure where I was going with this. I kinda had something else in mind, but right now I'm thinking of my faith in Christ.
It is enduring!
It has been 4 years I think, and it only grows stronger and more rock solid. So if you think Christianity is just something that people need to make themselves feel better, that its not real, think again! I am the queen of quitters! I would have never been able to stick to this if there were not more to it. I can't even keep my house tidy for heaven's sake. I totally lack discipline.
It is really the only passion I've ever had so far that has not faded, but only grown more intense.
There are a lot of differences between faith and religion. When I had a 'religion', it was a set of beliefs I claimed as my own, kinda by default, but I didn't really live them out.
But bringing God's word and truth into my heart is where my true faith began. It is like a tree, beneath the surface the roots grow deeper and deeper into my soul as the years go by. On the outside it grows taller and bigger and wider for all to see, and part of its purpose is to offer shade and comfort to other people too.
And another thing I pray is here to stay is my writing. Using my writing to share God with others. I know it is a gift from God. There is no laboring, no feeling of 'having' to do it. I know when God wants me to share something. I believe thats when I wake up at 4 or 5 am like a lightbulb went on with the story in my head.
And it is just so enjoyable and satisfying. I am grateful for it. I had moments where I thought who do I think I am sharing all these stories? I almost felt embarrassed for myself, like what an idiot, throwing myself out there on display. But its not about me! Its about God, and sharing what HE does in my life. Showing God what he will do for ALL of us, cause I'm not any more special than you!
God I love God! He is our enduring passion!
I'm sure I'm gonna find other ones of my own making that will burn brightly and flicker out. (May they always be little harmless ones!) You'll probably hear about them.
But the ones that are from Him will be everlasting!
Isaiah 58:11
The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
Psalm 103:17
But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children-
But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children-
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