Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hidden Talent - Part 2

Short and Sweet.

Last night I was telling my sister about the whole painting thing with my friend, and how I saw the Van Gogh starry cafe image in the coney island, went home, checked the Painting with a Twist calendar, and saw that they are painting it Dec. 2nd, and how excited I was about it.

I was telling her this on the way to our friends house. As we pulled in the driveway I was pulling the image of the painting up on my phone cause she wasn't sure which one. We sat there a minute in the driveway until I found it. I show it to her, we get out walk into the house, and there it is again, framed and in our friends house.

And our friends are mom and daughter, and the daughter Michelle lives in a separate apartment attached to the house. We never go to her side. We've been getting together once every 5 or 6 weeks the last year, and we always go to Barb's side. For the first time we went to Michelles side. And once again there was the starry cafe. I believe a little confirmation that I am on the right path! So excited : )

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