The last few days when I look at Tiger Woods it makes me really grateful for what I have.
A lot of us raised in this country think the ultimate success would be to be rich and famous and beautiful. We idolize celebrities. I was told yesterday that over the last year the top 10 things googled were related to celebrities. Not even Obama or swine flu! Celebrities.
So what happens when we 'make it' and are a rich celebrity, but we're STILL not really happy inside? Still haven't filled that emptiness? Still keep 'looking forward' to things that will make us happy inside but aren't really quite happy at the moment? Its probably a really unsettling feeling. Cause if all "this" can't make me happy, what the heck will????? And you temporarily try to fill the hole with more stuff, could be drugs or a girlfriend or a better wife.
We look for it everywhere but God, the one who created us, gave us life, knows exactly what we need to fill that hole.
Early in my marriage, before I had this change in my life, I can remember going through periods where I wondered if Jason was the right person for me. Wondered if there was one person out there perfectly meant for me and I'd missed them.
He didn't fulfill all the desires I thought would make me happy. I didn't think he was sweet enough to me, like he had been early in our relationship. He didn't bring me flowers. He didn't bring me little cards for no reason. He doesn't like to do a lot of the things I want to. And I would have times when I focused on these things, focused totally on me, and would become pretty discontented.
James 1:15
Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
I never really used to get this verse, but I do now and I see it played out a lot.
Basically we all have the same desire for peace and happiness. On our own without God's help we oftentimes seek to fill that desire with pretty selfish stuff, with sin. Not all the time, but a lot.
And when that sin is 'full-grown' it leads to death. Adultery leads to the death of a marriage. To the death of children's security and often their own hope for their own healthy marriage in the future.
The desire for peace and happiness and often leads to the abuse of drug or alcohol which can lead to the death of relationships and families. The death of peace. And many times, like in my dad's case, the literal death of that person.
Even the desire to validate and entertain ourselves by hashing through the faults of others, gossip, which I've done my share of, can lead to the death of relationships and self-esteem.
The sin of wrapping up self-worth in career and material things also destroys marriages and relationships with children all the time.
But there is a but! We can be blessed to find that there is joy and fulfillment and peace that comes from God, that isn't dependent upon circumstances or other people.
So blessed to have that emptiness filled!!! And with something that can't be taken away.
My marriage is SO much better since I have been living with God in my life. Its not perfect. We still have arguments. But I do not base the majority of my happiness and fulfillment in him, in our relationship. In fact I am so much happier and peaceful inside having a relationship with God that I naturally treat him better, and as a result he treats me better.
I have been without God truly in my heart most of my life, and now I am with. The difference is of more worth than all the money or trophies in the world.
I am not perfect. I still have bad days. I still do things I shouldn't. I still lose my temper (but wayyyyyy less than I used to).
But overall I am filled. I am not seeking happiness but living it.
And we all can!
The gift of peace and salvation we have been given in God, in Jesus Christ, is above all others. I am so grateful to have had my life and my attitude so beautifully transformed by it. And my husband's grateful too!
God is good.
: )
This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for the reminder.