Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Old City

In the last few hours of our trip in Israel, my friend Vicki and I needed to get back to the Jaffa gate to meet our group. We were in the old city in Jerusalem. The torah scribe we were picking up our souvenirs from said a woman in the store was going there and would show us the way.

She spoke no English and took us a very different way. What should have taken 5 minutes turned into 25 and she was taking us down deserted corridors. I was terrified. All trust in the God forgotten along the way. She tried to lead us up a flight of stairs to a little apartment and I said no way.

She was all dressed in flowy white and would just turn around every once in a while and smile, and she totally freaked me out. In the end she took us to our destination. She wanted no tip, smiled and went on her way.

Vicki was calm the whole way and said she thought she was giving us a unique view of the city. I thought she was leading us to our demise lol. Later Vicki saw a special on tv and said she thinks she was maybe trying to show us where the last supper may have been when she was leading us up those stairs.

I think I totally missed out on a blessing by walking hand in hand with fear. But the silver lining was where i had been sad about going home before, I was happy a few hours later to be on the way to the airport to see my family : )

And the memory was burned into my mind enough to paint it, otherwise I may have never thought of it again : )


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