Sunday, May 29, 2011

Perfect Ending

A few weeks ago my friend Joanne asked me to paint Pastor Carey and Jesus together for his 25th anniversary in ministry. In a recent service he had mentioned loving those paintings you see of Jesus welcoming someone home, and she thought of me, and prayed and felt led to ask me to paint it.

We didn't know exactly when the celebration would be, and then a few days later found out it was that weekend.

I told her I didn't think I could do it that quick, but with God all things are possible, and to pray. And we had had other people praying. I started it weds. morning, and by Sunday morning I was not completely finished, but enough to take and present to him. And one of the biggest things I'd been praying for came true, it looked like him!

The background ended up changing and was inspired by my memory of being on Mt. Carmel looking out in Israel. And Mt. Carmel makes me think of Elijah calling down fire from heaven, and Elijah makes me think of Pastor Carey, I can remember him preaching on Elijah and I think he'd have the faith to call down fire from heaven.

Then I decided regular clothes seemed odd in contrast to Jesus' robe, but a robe seemed weird. And the African garments he used to wear during black history month came to mind.

Earlier in the week when I finished the painting I was elated, with this beautiful feeling like God had created this thing through me as a special gift. This morning as I drove I was glancing over at it feeling doubtful, wondering if the whole thing was just ridiculous.

Then, as I'm sitting there in service, the painting next to me, here comes Pastor Carey dressed in an outfit just like my painting. He was even wearing leather sandals!!!!! And he is speaking to God as if in the character of Elijah!

Elijah who called down fire from heaven by the power of God and then days later was running in fear of people who wanted to kill him, doubting God.

And he talked about how tests always follow great victories with God. And when we come to that moment afterward where we are doubting, to think back to the victory just days before and know who God is and have faith.

Was such a blessing to give the painting to him afterward and share all this. And have been blessed spending these days at Citadel too.

Was absolutely amazed sitting there. So neat. God tied the ending up to this little story with a perfectly neat little bow!

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