On my way to bible study tonight, it just popped in my head that I should ask God for us to get more out of our group time together, even though we are on week 11 out of 12 I think lol.
But I asked that the Holy Spirit would be present with us and would open up our hearts to share with one another that we may really encourage one another where needed and really feel God's presence.
When I turned on the lights to walk in our room there was a box of tissues on our table, and in my head I immediately said someone's gonna cry. (No one's cried yet in our 11 weeks and theres never been a box of tissues on the table.)
So at the end of our group time, like 2 minutes before our time to leave to go watch the video, the woman sitting near the tissues says I have to share something and I'm probably going to cry and grabs the tissue, and tearfully shares. And another woman had something encouraging to share with her that she had just heard herself a couple days before.
Then the video today totally ended up tying into what she was talking about, and was so inspiring about God's great love for us. And then our conversation after as a result of all of this ended up with me getting some very unique and precious motherly advice I know will be of great blessing to Gianna and I in years to come.
I know I will never forget it, little things like on cold winter mornings having the lights off and candles lit and hot cocoa made when they get up to get ready for school. Just making time with them and time with God absolutely precious.
I just felt like wow. Then when I walked outside the horizon was tinged with orange and the silver sliver of moon shining so brightly above like it was hanging from a string. I got in my car and drove around the back of the church to my favorite spot I haven't been to since fall.
The huge peaceful beautiful clean unobstructed sky just spoke volumes to my heart. I know when I say those things it probably just sounds like romantic fluffery, but its so true. When we truly seek God and ask Him to show up, he is so faithful, and truly present and speaks to our hearts and fills them up!
Love, love, love LOVE!!!!! : )
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