Tuesday, April 12, 2011

3 Amazing Days

I have had a string of like 3 amazing days. This might be more than anyone cares to read, like 3 posts in one, but I have to get it all down. And a part of me thinks oh why would you even share all this personal stuff. But throughout scripture we are reminded to tell of His wonderful deeds, and to me, these are wonderful! : )

Sunday morning I did not feel like spending time with God. I just wanted to go right to a painting I'm almost done with. Some mornings I feel thats ok, but I hadn't spent any quiet time over the weekend and felt I needed to, to not run to the gift and forget the giver. And I know how much more blessed my day is when I take the time to start it with He who made the day in the first place!

So I made some coffee and lit a candle, grabbed my bible and sat down at the kitchen table. I prayed for Him to settle my heart and asked for Him to speak to my heart through His word.

As I was reading I felt compelled to look at my Israel pics. When I came across one of Olive Trees on Mt. Carmel, I felt compelled to paint it! I started right then and in 2 hours had a finished piece. I was blown away! And throughout the day I played with it and made it more stylized.

“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.” Psalm 52:8 

Then that evening I went to my friend Cheryl Oz's gallery reception and was totally inspired. And the weather and the sunlight, and the warmth. I felt like I was floating. Joyful and hopeful and full. Kind of like being in love. I didn't want the sun to go down!

On Sunday and Monday I was getting strong memories of the Trevi Fountain in Rome out of nowhere. Vivid comforting memories of standing there looking at it at sunset. That was 10 years ago and I don't think I ever thought of the Trevi Fountain since then. I asked God to reveal to me whats up with that, I've had similar memories of other times from that trip that turned into paintings.

When I did the treadmill at lunch the idea popped in my head to listen to Italian instrumental music. I youtubed it and first thing that came up was Bella Notte. I listened and closed my eyes and could just about feel the breeze standing there at that fountain. Peaceful and beautiful. I was almost giggling thinking if the person next to me on the eliptical only knew I were in Rome right then!

I felt in that moment I am meant to paint it. While playing that music, with a glass of wine and grapes and cheese and candles. Like a date with God! It is all so wrapped up in Him. Maybe from the outside there isn't a clear connection, but in my heart, these amazing things I could never dream up myself. I know they're not of my making.

They bring such joy, I know they are blessings. They are so out of nowhere and so unique I can't dream this stuff up on my own. Makes me think of 1 Corinthians 2:9

That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,
   “No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
      and no mind has imagined
   what God has prepared
      for those who love him.”
But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.

So the desire to do this painting, I can't WAIT! I am so excited. Again its as wonderful a feeling in my chest as being in love. And I looked up the lyrics to Bella Notte.

Oh this is the night, it's a beautiful night
And we call it bella notte
Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes
On this lovely bella notte.
Side by side with your loved one,
You'll find enchantment here.
The night will weave its magic spell,
When the one you love is near!
Oh this is the night, and the heavens are right!
On this lovely bella notte!

And when I read this, I just knew that even though I wasn't walking closely with Him at all, the Lord was with me and watching over me on that trip. He is my Prince Charming and delights my heart! He is gifting me with the joy of spending hours hanging out in and expressing that memory and feeling in a unique way.

And then finally, this morning, I was reading my bible. I'm doing a bible in a year reading plan and am behind like 4 or 5 days. This morning I read Hebrews 11, especially vs. 23 - 40. It just really spoke to me. I sent the verse to my prayer group, and just said how much it touched my heart. I rarely do this.

Then after I talked to a dear friend who's having a very hard time right now. I sent out another email for prayer for her. My friend recommended sending the whole chapter of Hebrews 11 to her, so I sent it to her too.

Then tonight, on the same day, on the last and 12th week of my bible study on the book of revelation, the teacher closes the study with those exact verses from Hebrews chapter 11!!!!! I was stunned. I couldn't even pay attention. I kept saying no way in my head!

When i left there was a pretty sunset and I drove around the back of the church and read the entire chapter aloud. Something from it that shouted at me was that Moses chose to be mistreated with the people of God rather than live a life of comfort and pleasure for a short time. He could have stayed living in Pharaoh's palace. Just made me think of how politically incorrect it is to love God and His word. Can be more comfortable to just not mention it. But who would I rather please?

Definitely the God who has so clearly showed up in these amazing big and little ways! He's SO real to me in this very moment.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sweet Little Answered Prayer

God is so real to my heart in this very moment. Just got in the door from bible study and hoping Gianna stays occupied just a few more minutes so I can get this out while its fresh in my heart.

On my way to bible study tonight, it just popped in my head that I should ask God for us to get more out of our group time together, even though we are on week 11 out of 12 I think lol.

But I asked that the Holy Spirit would be present with us and would open up our hearts to share with one another that we may really encourage one another where needed and really feel God's presence.

When I turned on the lights to walk in our room there was a box of tissues on our table, and in my head I immediately said someone's gonna cry. (No one's cried yet in our 11 weeks and theres never been a box of tissues on the table.)

So at the end of our group time, like 2 minutes before our time to leave to go watch the video, the woman sitting near the tissues says I have to share something and I'm probably going to cry and grabs the tissue, and tearfully shares. And another woman had something encouraging to share with her that she had just heard herself a couple days before.

Then the video today totally ended up tying into what she was talking about, and was so inspiring about God's great love for us.  And then our conversation after as a result of all of this ended up with me getting some very unique and precious motherly advice I know will be of great blessing to Gianna and I in years to come.

I know I will never forget it, little things like on cold winter mornings having the lights off and candles lit and hot cocoa made when they get up to get ready for school. Just making time with them and time with God absolutely precious.

I just felt like wow. Then when I walked outside the horizon was tinged with orange and the silver sliver of moon shining so brightly above like it was hanging from a string. I got in my car and drove around the back of the church to my favorite spot I haven't been to since fall.

The huge peaceful beautiful clean unobstructed sky just spoke volumes to my heart. I know when I say those things it probably just sounds like romantic fluffery, but its so true. When we truly seek God and ask Him to show up, he is so faithful, and truly present and speaks to our hearts and fills them up!

Love, love, love LOVE!!!!! : )

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lover of Light!

I've been thinking more and more lately how much I love the light - the glowing sunrise, the sunset, how I just feel God's presence in it. Even the stars and moon at night, how they sparkle against the darkness. And how its really what drives my paintings, wanting to somehow spend more time in that love and dramatic light.

This afternoon Gianna fell asleep in the car and I decided I was going to try writing out exactly what it is I feel, thinking it may help me even more in my painting because I think its all so tied in together.

This is what I wrote:

I feel so blessed that most days I am able to view this divine display of beauty. The morning and evening sun feel like a love letter from God. A kiss from heaven.

A fleeting glimpse of something more beautiful than we could ever imagine.

I so feel the presence and love of God in the rising and the setting of the sun. Warm, dazzling light displays just the tiniest fraction of His Glory. The ordinary becomes beautiful. Telephone wires shimmer as strands of gold.

And I am reminded of the the hope we have of heaven, the hope we have in Christ. Though darkness may fall, there is the promise of a new beginning. Of joy, hope, peace. Of light shining away the darkness.

Just laying eyes on it soothes my soul, whispers to my heart, inspires my spirit. As a man is thirsty and filled with water, hungry and filled with food, something inside of me is satisfied and completed in these beautiful sparkling moments.

And I am SO amazed and touched, that as I started writing this(!!), the sun came out after the rain, and it looks like there are diamonds all around, dripping off the roof, decorating the fence, sparkling in the bushes. And above, the edges of a huge cloud are glowing gold!

I pray that through my art God will help me to some degree capture the magic of these moments. Help me express a little of this grand love affair I am so blessed to be a part of, to just carry it with me a little while longer than just the moment.

Like a love letter! To be able to go back and read it again, instead of just trying to remember what was said. Something precious and tangible.

I could never recreate these moments more beautifully than they are in reality, but I can uniquely express the beauty I behold in my heart. I feel a sort of need to do it. And pray I get better and better at it.

We so often take for granted the beauty around us each day. The sun and the sky and the light just blend in with every other thing in our paths and we no more notice the sunset than the traffic light.

I pray that God may use my hands to present His light as beautifully as I experience it in my heart, that it may capture the attention of other eyes and hearts, sparking something within.

And all for the Glory of God, The Creator, The Light of the world. For without Him, none of this would be, for sure my heart wouldn't be in this beautiful place. Love Him!

(And within 1 minute of writing that last sentence, the sun disappeared and Gianna woke up! The 'spell' for the moment broken, but another just around the corner I know : )