Friday, June 11, 2010

Its Written in the Clouds

This is one of my favorite stories ever! I'm so weird you can't make this stuff up!

I love the sky and the clouds. I can so plainly see God's hand of creation in a beautiful sky filled with enormous clouds. Its just as breathtaking to me as looking at mountains or the ocean.

I love my neighborhood because its filled with huge old trees. But I can't see much of the sky! In the evening when I'm cleaning up after dinner I can see there is a beautiful sunset going on but I only get the teeniest little glimpse through the trees.

A week or two ago I decided Gianna and I were gonna drive around and find a great spot we could go to just watch the sunset. I packed up some snacks and we headed out. We drove around forever through Livonia and Northville and Hines Dr., but didn't really find a good spot. Unless you want to sit in the middle of a main rd. Too many trees and buildings. Actually found one perfect place, but a water tower smack dab in the middle of it.

So the next morning as I was watching the sky above me turn pink from the sunrise, I prayed to God and asked him to give me a perfect place to watch his majestic sunsets and beautiful skies. Somewhere close we can just go chill on a blanket and enjoy it when I can tell the sky is looking beautiful.

So yesterday evening I was struggling. I won't share all the details of why. But I was running on 4 hours of sleep, been sick all week, a headache that wouldn't go away, was really unproductive at work, feeling like I am never going to find the time or motivation to keep painting and practicing piano. And totally disturbed by the oil spill. Just feeling very down. And I felt like giving in to it for awhile.

I told Jason I needed to go downstairs and just cry. I went in the unfinished part of the basement and shut the door so it was mostly dark and I kneeled down on Gianna's Snow White sleeping bag and just cried my heart out. I wanted to pray but I didn't know exactly what to pray and told that to God. I don't even know what to ask, but please help me!

So after I came upstairs Gianna wanted to go for a walk. And she insisted Dada go, which she never does. I'm glad she did! So we all went for a walk while I still was feeling like I wanted to go back in the basement and cry.

Jason started to go a way we never go into a different neighborhood and I was gonna say why are we going this way, but I figured let him go what way he wants.

Gianna noticed some playground equipment we had never noticed before off the back of the school and park by our house.

When we got to it, I turned around and around and was like oh my gosh. It was my sky I have been looking for! About 2 blocks from my house. Had no idea it was there. Just tons of open green grass and sky all the way around. I can watch the sunrise from the other end! And trees all around the edges, so its pretty. The best I had to this before was walking through the gigantic Walmart parking lot.

I felt such peace and love and warmth flooded my heart. Like a big hug from my Dad who loves me. We've lived here 5 years now I think, and I didn't realize or think that was there.

Walked home with a big smile on my face telling Jason how amazed I am by how much God loves us and actually hears us.

This is my sky. Only about half of it. The picture does it no justice! It was gorgeous and filled my soul.

And here is a beautiful song that goes along with how I feel:
How He Loves Us

Psalm 19

 1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
       the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
       night after night they display knowledge.
 3 There is no speech or language
       where their voice is not heard. 
 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
       their words to the ends of the world.


  1. Very Beautiful Story, Jenn!
    So happy that God gave you the peace you were seeking!

  2. Thats AWESOME!!!!!! It's also shows how intimate our Lord is with us...even what some may see as silly....the Lord understands the importance to us and out of love for His child...lays it our before us. I'm so happy!
