My church only has service on Wednesday nights once a month. Today I was thinking I wish it was tonight. Then Gianna out of nowhere started saying church! So I figured I'd find somewhere else to go to church tonight.
But then later I was reading and the author jokingly talked about spiritual constipation. When you are taking in all kinds of good stuff. Sermons and books and services, filling yourself up with good things, but not really giving any of it back, not sharing the goodness with others.
So I thought hmmm, Gianna and I need to do something to bless others instead of me sitting and getting blessed as I always do.
When I was in the shower, the idea to go to the dollar store and buy some flowers and ribbons and decorate wheelchairs at a nursing home just instantly popped into my head. I give God all the credit!
So I got out of the shower and asked Gianna if she wanted to go buy flowers and make sad people happy and she said yes!
I had Jason pray with us before he went to hockey, and asked God to bless our little adventure, let things fall into place, let the dollar store have cool flowers and ribbon, let the timing at the nursing home work out, and to just really show up with us.
The dollar store had a hawaiian luau isle and lots of pretty flowers and pretty colorful wire flower garland type stuff. I bought about 17 or 18. I figured it might not be enough, but what could I do, I'd tell them we'd come back again if people got left out.
There was a cd of christian piano music at the checkout and I grabbed it. I put Gianna in her carseat and gave her a flower and some ribbon and I started taking the wire garland stuff and wrapping it around the stems, and tying bows on some. The piano music and the front seat full of shiny garland and bright flowers was so fun.They looked pretty but it was kind of taking a long time. I thought maybe I should go home and finish them and take them tomorrow, cause it was already like 7:30.
I told Gianna we were going to go home, but she said Happy, Happy!! I had told her we were going to make people happy with the flowers. So I decided to go then.
I had the nursing home in mind I was planning to go to, but another one I have never been to kept popping into my head, so I went to that one instead.
When we walked in, it was apparent it was music night. In the front room there was a group of people and a woman with a cd player playing very festive sounding music. Gianna and I danced around for a minute and the people who could were turning in our direction and smiling and laughing. I asked if i could pass out flowers and the woman said of course! So Gianna and I started passing them out. She didn't act afraid at all, even though quite a few were hunched over in their chairs and such, she apparently was completely comfortable ; )
Some of them were asking how much! I said, no, these are just little gifts from God! And they would smile and it was so sweet. All the while that fun festive music playing lol! One guy was like, these are for ME??? for MEEE??? Like he just couldn't fathom it.
I was so afraid we were going to run out of flowers, but I just kept going, and there was just enough! I asked Gianna if we could give the last woman her flower, and she said yes! Little gianna who is always like mine, mine, MINE! Just stood and watched me wire her flower onto the lady's wheelchair.
Then they started playing songs about Jesus! I said to everyone, now I know I'm in the right place! We are here because of Jesus! Because He has been so good to me and given me such joy, I have to share it with others. And some of them laughed and clapped. Gianna didn't want to leave. We danced around for a while more and then we said bye to everyone and promised to come back. That room full of little old people in their wheelchairs with their bright yellow and hot pink flowers. So precious!
God is so good! He gets all the glory. I only try to follow these little whispers I feel in my heart.
Tonight could not have been more perfect. Nothing could have made me happier inside. I drove away laughing my head off in AMAZEMENT!
Oh how He loves us!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Lovely Music, Beautiful People
I went to my friend Rebekah's church Sunday. She will be moving out of state this summer and I want to see her as many times as I can. Funny how she only lives a half hour away but with the busyness of life we rarely find the time to actually hang out.
Her husband Timothy is a pastor at a wonderful little church in Madison Heights. A couple of guys I work with are also really involved in the church. Nick is the worship leader and Dillon is also involved in pastoring. And while I love my church it is always a nice change to go to theirs and experience their smaller, cozy, loving community.
I was running 15 minutes late and knew I would miss worship. I was trying to be positive but was bummed because I love it so.
But they started late! I missed nothing and the music they played was a miracle for me. I am weird with music. I get a handful of songs I love and I listen to them over and over and over. Eventually I completely wear them out and don't want to hear them anymore, but I enjoy them for a long time!
Right now there are a handful of songs I love. A few of them are old hymns that have been redone to sound modern. 2 of the songs they played were those songs. And they also played another that is one of my absolute favorites right now. It was their first time playing all of them. They even said on one of them, 'okay, this is a new song for us', and its one I've loved for a long time!
I couldn't believe it. Tears fell and I had to try and not cry so I could sing! Some may call it coincidence, but no way. Not those exact songs, that are so close to my heart right now. That so clearly call my heart and mind and attention to God right now, at this time. And they are not new. Not particularly popular at this moment for any reason. Of a thousand Christian songs they are my favorites. So it was such a beautiful, special moment for me and I just felt so loved.
And the message kind of amazed me too. 2 or 3 days ago I bought a book called Lord, Save us from your Followers. Just happened to catch my eye on a clearance rack. I've only read a couple pages but its about how unattractive Christians often are to unbelievers. How many of us have a bumper-sticker mentality and are not good with actual conversations about our faith. Its my way or the highway. The guy is a Christian himself, and does believe Jesus is the only way and the truth and the life, but he doesn't think we are going about sharing that truth in the right ways. He wore a suit covered in all kinds of religous bumper stickers and symbols and went out on the street asking people 5 questions about what they believe, about Jesus, and about Christians.
And the message yesterday was about how unattractive Christians can be. How we can actually be stumbling blocks to others coming to believe. So I thought that was interesting and feel like it was no accident I bumped into that book!
Afterward we went to lunch in Royal Oak and walked around and Gianna had a wonderful time trying on crazy shoes in Incognito, lol!
And Dillon told me the story of when he came to know Christ. I think he had told me a piece or two before, but I might have forgotten, (which is horrible!) But the short of it is he was a model and a hard-core drug user. He hated God. Thought people who loved Him were nuts. A good friend of his was into drugs and witchcraft of sorts and also an unbeliever. He didn't see the guy for a while and the next time he did the guy was a Christian. Completely cleaned-up and changed. Stunned him and got his attention. And over time God worked and revealed himself in Dillon's life. He said God showed him that He was immeasurably better than all that he had thought was so great. The lifestyle he was living, the high's he got from the drugs. God manifested Himself to him and there was, and is, no doubt to him that He is who He says He is. Completely changed him! Dillon is so in love with and so passionate about God, and I really understand why when you imagine that happening in someone's life.
I love hearing those stories! And I am so grateful for all the wonderful people God has placed in my life. I was thinking on the way home yesterday how sometimes I feel so sad I didn't go to school for illustration. I want to wonder what might have been. But I think of ALL the wonderful people God has brought into my life through my job over the last 10 years. Many people who I know I will be friends with forever. Even if we may not find the time to spend together very often, they are precious to my heart and I love them. And I am not going to think about what could have been anymore, but I am going to be grateful for what has been.
If I'm lucky I've got a good 25-30 years in me before retirement time. WOW! When I say it like that, that's CRAZY. But anyways, that is plenty of time to get cracking on the painting and see if it goes anywhere.
Lol, 30 years. THIRTY YEARS. Omgsh. Hahahaaaa. I am so NOT graphic designing for 3 more decades. Maybe a half of one!
I just got more inspired! : )
Her husband Timothy is a pastor at a wonderful little church in Madison Heights. A couple of guys I work with are also really involved in the church. Nick is the worship leader and Dillon is also involved in pastoring. And while I love my church it is always a nice change to go to theirs and experience their smaller, cozy, loving community.
I was running 15 minutes late and knew I would miss worship. I was trying to be positive but was bummed because I love it so.
But they started late! I missed nothing and the music they played was a miracle for me. I am weird with music. I get a handful of songs I love and I listen to them over and over and over. Eventually I completely wear them out and don't want to hear them anymore, but I enjoy them for a long time!
Right now there are a handful of songs I love. A few of them are old hymns that have been redone to sound modern. 2 of the songs they played were those songs. And they also played another that is one of my absolute favorites right now. It was their first time playing all of them. They even said on one of them, 'okay, this is a new song for us', and its one I've loved for a long time!
I couldn't believe it. Tears fell and I had to try and not cry so I could sing! Some may call it coincidence, but no way. Not those exact songs, that are so close to my heart right now. That so clearly call my heart and mind and attention to God right now, at this time. And they are not new. Not particularly popular at this moment for any reason. Of a thousand Christian songs they are my favorites. So it was such a beautiful, special moment for me and I just felt so loved.
And the message kind of amazed me too. 2 or 3 days ago I bought a book called Lord, Save us from your Followers. Just happened to catch my eye on a clearance rack. I've only read a couple pages but its about how unattractive Christians often are to unbelievers. How many of us have a bumper-sticker mentality and are not good with actual conversations about our faith. Its my way or the highway. The guy is a Christian himself, and does believe Jesus is the only way and the truth and the life, but he doesn't think we are going about sharing that truth in the right ways. He wore a suit covered in all kinds of religous bumper stickers and symbols and went out on the street asking people 5 questions about what they believe, about Jesus, and about Christians.
And the message yesterday was about how unattractive Christians can be. How we can actually be stumbling blocks to others coming to believe. So I thought that was interesting and feel like it was no accident I bumped into that book!
Afterward we went to lunch in Royal Oak and walked around and Gianna had a wonderful time trying on crazy shoes in Incognito, lol!
And Dillon told me the story of when he came to know Christ. I think he had told me a piece or two before, but I might have forgotten, (which is horrible!) But the short of it is he was a model and a hard-core drug user. He hated God. Thought people who loved Him were nuts. A good friend of his was into drugs and witchcraft of sorts and also an unbeliever. He didn't see the guy for a while and the next time he did the guy was a Christian. Completely cleaned-up and changed. Stunned him and got his attention. And over time God worked and revealed himself in Dillon's life. He said God showed him that He was immeasurably better than all that he had thought was so great. The lifestyle he was living, the high's he got from the drugs. God manifested Himself to him and there was, and is, no doubt to him that He is who He says He is. Completely changed him! Dillon is so in love with and so passionate about God, and I really understand why when you imagine that happening in someone's life.
I love hearing those stories! And I am so grateful for all the wonderful people God has placed in my life. I was thinking on the way home yesterday how sometimes I feel so sad I didn't go to school for illustration. I want to wonder what might have been. But I think of ALL the wonderful people God has brought into my life through my job over the last 10 years. Many people who I know I will be friends with forever. Even if we may not find the time to spend together very often, they are precious to my heart and I love them. And I am not going to think about what could have been anymore, but I am going to be grateful for what has been.
If I'm lucky I've got a good 25-30 years in me before retirement time. WOW! When I say it like that, that's CRAZY. But anyways, that is plenty of time to get cracking on the painting and see if it goes anywhere.
Lol, 30 years. THIRTY YEARS. Omgsh. Hahahaaaa. I am so NOT graphic designing for 3 more decades. Maybe a half of one!
I just got more inspired! : )
Friday, June 11, 2010
Its Written in the Clouds
This is one of my favorite stories ever! I'm so weird you can't make this stuff up!
I love the sky and the clouds. I can so plainly see God's hand of creation in a beautiful sky filled with enormous clouds. Its just as breathtaking to me as looking at mountains or the ocean.
I love my neighborhood because its filled with huge old trees. But I can't see much of the sky! In the evening when I'm cleaning up after dinner I can see there is a beautiful sunset going on but I only get the teeniest little glimpse through the trees.
A week or two ago I decided Gianna and I were gonna drive around and find a great spot we could go to just watch the sunset. I packed up some snacks and we headed out. We drove around forever through Livonia and Northville and Hines Dr., but didn't really find a good spot. Unless you want to sit in the middle of a main rd. Too many trees and buildings. Actually found one perfect place, but a water tower smack dab in the middle of it.
So the next morning as I was watching the sky above me turn pink from the sunrise, I prayed to God and asked him to give me a perfect place to watch his majestic sunsets and beautiful skies. Somewhere close we can just go chill on a blanket and enjoy it when I can tell the sky is looking beautiful.
So yesterday evening I was struggling. I won't share all the details of why. But I was running on 4 hours of sleep, been sick all week, a headache that wouldn't go away, was really unproductive at work, feeling like I am never going to find the time or motivation to keep painting and practicing piano. And totally disturbed by the oil spill. Just feeling very down. And I felt like giving in to it for awhile.
I told Jason I needed to go downstairs and just cry. I went in the unfinished part of the basement and shut the door so it was mostly dark and I kneeled down on Gianna's Snow White sleeping bag and just cried my heart out. I wanted to pray but I didn't know exactly what to pray and told that to God. I don't even know what to ask, but please help me!
So after I came upstairs Gianna wanted to go for a walk. And she insisted Dada go, which she never does. I'm glad she did! So we all went for a walk while I still was feeling like I wanted to go back in the basement and cry.
Jason started to go a way we never go into a different neighborhood and I was gonna say why are we going this way, but I figured let him go what way he wants.
Gianna noticed some playground equipment we had never noticed before off the back of the school and park by our house.
When we got to it, I turned around and around and was like oh my gosh. It was my sky I have been looking for! About 2 blocks from my house. Had no idea it was there. Just tons of open green grass and sky all the way around. I can watch the sunrise from the other end! And trees all around the edges, so its pretty. The best I had to this before was walking through the gigantic Walmart parking lot.
I felt such peace and love and warmth flooded my heart. Like a big hug from my Dad who loves me. We've lived here 5 years now I think, and I didn't realize or think that was there.
Walked home with a big smile on my face telling Jason how amazed I am by how much God loves us and actually hears us.
This is my sky. Only about half of it. The picture does it no justice! It was gorgeous and filled my soul.
And here is a beautiful song that goes along with how I feel:
How He Loves Us
the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
I love the sky and the clouds. I can so plainly see God's hand of creation in a beautiful sky filled with enormous clouds. Its just as breathtaking to me as looking at mountains or the ocean.
I love my neighborhood because its filled with huge old trees. But I can't see much of the sky! In the evening when I'm cleaning up after dinner I can see there is a beautiful sunset going on but I only get the teeniest little glimpse through the trees.
A week or two ago I decided Gianna and I were gonna drive around and find a great spot we could go to just watch the sunset. I packed up some snacks and we headed out. We drove around forever through Livonia and Northville and Hines Dr., but didn't really find a good spot. Unless you want to sit in the middle of a main rd. Too many trees and buildings. Actually found one perfect place, but a water tower smack dab in the middle of it.
So the next morning as I was watching the sky above me turn pink from the sunrise, I prayed to God and asked him to give me a perfect place to watch his majestic sunsets and beautiful skies. Somewhere close we can just go chill on a blanket and enjoy it when I can tell the sky is looking beautiful.
So yesterday evening I was struggling. I won't share all the details of why. But I was running on 4 hours of sleep, been sick all week, a headache that wouldn't go away, was really unproductive at work, feeling like I am never going to find the time or motivation to keep painting and practicing piano. And totally disturbed by the oil spill. Just feeling very down. And I felt like giving in to it for awhile.
I told Jason I needed to go downstairs and just cry. I went in the unfinished part of the basement and shut the door so it was mostly dark and I kneeled down on Gianna's Snow White sleeping bag and just cried my heart out. I wanted to pray but I didn't know exactly what to pray and told that to God. I don't even know what to ask, but please help me!
So after I came upstairs Gianna wanted to go for a walk. And she insisted Dada go, which she never does. I'm glad she did! So we all went for a walk while I still was feeling like I wanted to go back in the basement and cry.
Jason started to go a way we never go into a different neighborhood and I was gonna say why are we going this way, but I figured let him go what way he wants.
Gianna noticed some playground equipment we had never noticed before off the back of the school and park by our house.
When we got to it, I turned around and around and was like oh my gosh. It was my sky I have been looking for! About 2 blocks from my house. Had no idea it was there. Just tons of open green grass and sky all the way around. I can watch the sunrise from the other end! And trees all around the edges, so its pretty. The best I had to this before was walking through the gigantic Walmart parking lot.
I felt such peace and love and warmth flooded my heart. Like a big hug from my Dad who loves me. We've lived here 5 years now I think, and I didn't realize or think that was there.
Walked home with a big smile on my face telling Jason how amazed I am by how much God loves us and actually hears us.
This is my sky. Only about half of it. The picture does it no justice! It was gorgeous and filled my soul.
And here is a beautiful song that goes along with how I feel:
How He Loves Us
Psalm 19
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I don't feel like it.
This morning I didn't feel like praying or reading my bible. Wasn't going to either. I got out my pedicure stuff and started working on my feet. I thought of the fact though that I wouldn't be going to church because Gianna has a cold, again, and figured I better get at least a little light shining in my soul!
I opened my Streams in the Desert devotional (which is awesome by the way), and look at todays entry! Lol!
Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. (Matthew 26:41)
Dear friend, never go out into the danger of the world without praying first. There is always a temptation to shorten your time in prayer. After a difficult day of work, when you kneel at night to pray with tired eyes, do not use your drowsiness as an excuse to resign yourself to early rest. Then when the morning breaks and you realize you have overslept, resist the temptation to skip your early devotion or to hurry through it.
Once again, you have not take the time to 'watch and pray'. Your alertness has been sacrificed, and I firmly believe there will be irreparable damage. You have failed to pray, and you will suffer as a result.
Temptations are waiting to confront you, and you are not prepared to withstand them. Within your soul you have a sense of guilt, and you seem to be lingering some distance from God. It certainly is no coincidence that you tend to fall short of your responsibilities on those days when you have allowed your weariness to interfere with your prayer life.
When we give in to laziness, moments of prayer that are missed can never be redeemed. We may learn from the experience, but we will miss the rich freshness and strength that would have been imparted during those moments. Frederick William Robertson
Jesus, the omnipotent Son of God, felt it necessary to rise each morning before dawn to pour out His heart to His Father in prayer. Should we not feel even more compelled to pray to Him who is the giver of "every good and perfect gift"(James 1:17) and who has promised to provide whatever we need?
We do not know all that Jesus gained from His time in prayer, but we do know this - a life without prayer is a powerless life. It may be filled with a great deal of activity and noise, but it will be far removed from Him who day and night prayed to God.
So true! So many awesome things over the last 5 years of my life were a result of prayer. Lives I've been connected with, things I've written, phone calls I've made, things that have blessed others as much as myself. I believe there has been healing too. Prayers for a sick husband and friends and children of friends. And I believe that is where my relationship with God has grown the most, where I have come to know and delight in him, through prayer and reading his word.
I opened my Streams in the Desert devotional (which is awesome by the way), and look at todays entry! Lol!
Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. (Matthew 26:41)
Dear friend, never go out into the danger of the world without praying first. There is always a temptation to shorten your time in prayer. After a difficult day of work, when you kneel at night to pray with tired eyes, do not use your drowsiness as an excuse to resign yourself to early rest. Then when the morning breaks and you realize you have overslept, resist the temptation to skip your early devotion or to hurry through it.
Once again, you have not take the time to 'watch and pray'. Your alertness has been sacrificed, and I firmly believe there will be irreparable damage. You have failed to pray, and you will suffer as a result.
Temptations are waiting to confront you, and you are not prepared to withstand them. Within your soul you have a sense of guilt, and you seem to be lingering some distance from God. It certainly is no coincidence that you tend to fall short of your responsibilities on those days when you have allowed your weariness to interfere with your prayer life.
When we give in to laziness, moments of prayer that are missed can never be redeemed. We may learn from the experience, but we will miss the rich freshness and strength that would have been imparted during those moments. Frederick William Robertson
Jesus, the omnipotent Son of God, felt it necessary to rise each morning before dawn to pour out His heart to His Father in prayer. Should we not feel even more compelled to pray to Him who is the giver of "every good and perfect gift"(James 1:17) and who has promised to provide whatever we need?
We do not know all that Jesus gained from His time in prayer, but we do know this - a life without prayer is a powerless life. It may be filled with a great deal of activity and noise, but it will be far removed from Him who day and night prayed to God.
So true! So many awesome things over the last 5 years of my life were a result of prayer. Lives I've been connected with, things I've written, phone calls I've made, things that have blessed others as much as myself. I believe there has been healing too. Prayers for a sick husband and friends and children of friends. And I believe that is where my relationship with God has grown the most, where I have come to know and delight in him, through prayer and reading his word.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)
I have a hard time with this. My mind immediately begins to drift. To what I have to get done. What I need to get at the grocery store. Mundane things.
One time only I decided I was going to sit quietly before the Lord for a half hour. It was very difficult. I will say though, that during that time I had a thought that I can't imagine came from me because I don't see how I would come up with it.
"You let anger stand inside of you." Came out of nowhere and was clear as a bell.
Have had anger issues my whole life. Mostly my poor husband only sees it. But that thought made me look at it a little differently. Like it was something outside of myself that I was letting come into my heart and wreak havoc on my marriage. That revelation has helped me greatly! Over the years of knowing God, and especially since that specific quiet time, anger has been showing up less and less at our door. I am doing a much better job of not letting it in!
But sadly, I have never tried to sit quietly for long again! Just realized that now, how sad.
The other afternoon I was reading my bible and praying in my backyard in my new favorite plastic red adirondack chairs. (I have a very secluded woodsy pretty backyard but have never enjoyed it for lack of a patio. But since I bought my chairs a couple weeks ago it is my new favorite place.)
I was praying through my big book of prayers as I do everyday and felt convicted. You wouldn't do that to a person. Go on and on and on and never stop or give the other person 1 second.
I put down my prayer book and my bible and tried to just clear my mind and be still and know that he is God. Mind was running all over the place. I prayed for God to help me on this issue.
A few hours later a post on an awesome Facebook group, Journey Deeper into God's Word, was about Being Still. And the pastor who runs the group was asking people to share how they do it because its so hard.
From reading the posts and thinking about it further I was encouraged to try again.
The next morning I got up before the sunrise, when its just getting light. I got my coffee and my bible and my notebook and got cozy in my chair and decided I was just gonna lay back and look up and take note of every amazing thing of God's creation. And to keep my mind from wandering I was going to jot them down.
I am just going to share my notes. :)
He made EVERY thing. I look the sky and see he made every song, every cloud, leaf, twig and bird in flight.
Intricate spider webs spun of silk. The soft, hazy morning sky, absorbing color, shifting, changing. Birds silently gliding through its massive expanse as the world gives way to morning.
A symphony of songs rise up from the trees, jubilantly welcoming the dawn.
Thru the trees, the sun glows, sparkles, golden and magnificent. Bright and beautiful, giving light to our eyes, that we may see!
The trees with limbs outstretched, stand at attention, waiting for the golden kiss of the sun.
The sun bursts forth, its golden rays breaking through the horizon, giving dimension and depth and color.
Orange and golden hues to all it touches. Revealing things hidden. Spreading warmth. Casting beauty all about.
The rejoicing continues from the trees.
All becomes ablaze and beautiful in the light of God's great creation.
What once looked flat now looks rich in depth and variance of color.
New things are revealed and brought to attention. The smallest particles dance in the air.
What looked nice enough before becomes rich in beauty and depth. Golden highlights and deep, rich shadows.
Even with your back completely turned to the sun, the stunning beauty shouts the truth that the sun has risen. (This really spoke to me about the SON too!)
This the THE day the Lord has made! Let us rejoice, and be glad in it. (The birds are! We should be too)
Psalm 50:1 - The Mighty One, God, the LORD,
speaks and summons the earthfrom the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.
So awesome! God speaks to me on very different levels through all of these thoughts/observations. I see many connections between what the sun does for the earth and what God does for our souls.
I think it was probably an hour and a half I sat out there. I would read some scripture occasionally. And sing a verse of a song occasionally. It was so precious. I look forward to doing it again!
I think it was probably an hour and a half I sat out there. I would read some scripture occasionally. And sing a verse of a song occasionally. It was so precious. I look forward to doing it again!
This reminds me also of a time last summer when I was really struck by a sunrise and jotted down a poem that came out of nowhere. This was it:
Your morning dawn sparkles my soul,
Pale gold shimmers, bursts, thru illuminated leaves.
A soft, silent canopy above whispers, changes,
Absorbing the color of your rising light.
Your promise of renewed life presented in perfection before me,
and I am humbled by your majesty.
As others dream upon their pillows, eyes closed peacefully in sleep,
I am honored to sit before your magnificent display.
I thank You for the sunrise, so beautiful to behold,
This sacred moment with my God, shall echo all day within my soul.
: )
Pale gold shimmers, bursts, thru illuminated leaves.
A soft, silent canopy above whispers, changes,
Absorbing the color of your rising light.
Your promise of renewed life presented in perfection before me,
and I am humbled by your majesty.
As others dream upon their pillows, eyes closed peacefully in sleep,
I am honored to sit before your magnificent display.
I thank You for the sunrise, so beautiful to behold,
This sacred moment with my God, shall echo all day within my soul.
: )
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