One woman shared that she has to leave for Afghanistan soon and she has a 2 year old daughter. The daughter's father is not involved in her life which makes it even harder.
Its funny how we relate to the things that are close to our hearts. I'm sure worse things were shared, but all that sticks out in my mind is this. I cried then and have cried since. I can't imagine leaving my precious little girl. Can not imagine the horror of knowing that she wouldn't really understand why I had to leave.
I asked people,' but can they MAKE her go'? Make her leave her two year old?? And thought if they could I would just take a dishonorable discharge.
And thats why I am not one of the amazing, honorable people in our military.
And it just hit me that there are TONS of people over there who are parents! The sacrifice they are making for our freedom!!!!!!! I know I always knew this, but I guess I never had it truly hit me in the heart.
We are so blessed that there are so many who are willing to leave behind the most important thing in the world to secure our peace. They know how precious it is to sleep peacefully in a bed with your children snuggled up next to you. Even if their knee is in your side and you're about to fall off the edge, you are still sleeping in peace that you and your children are safe.
And these heroes sleep who knows where and alone and missing their loved ones that we may enjoy ours. God bless them.
And I am so grateful to God. So grateful that he hears us. I am grateful that he has repeatedly and undoubtedly demonstrated the power of his word and the power of prayer in my life. And he even tells us in his word that the prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective. (James 5:16)
It is amazing that by his grace he can allow little old me to make a difference. That there is actually SOMEthing I can do for that mother and her 2 year old. Even if its just taking some time to lift up their hurting hearts to our great God. Asking him to comfort them. Asking Him to let that little 2 year old girl find comfort in talking to her Mommy on the phone or maybe seeing her on a computer. That it would be enough to get her through.
And there are so many thousands more like them! Tonight when you lie comfortably in your bed, or when you tuck in your little ones in the comfort of your home, say a prayer for them. That God would comfort them, give them peace in their hearts. That supernaturally a phone call would fill the longing in their hearts as if it had been a week at home.
Oh my gosh I can't imagine.
Thank God for their beautiful, giving, unselfish hearts.
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